There is nothing like working a rotating shift to make sleeping difficult, especially when you find
yourself in a profession that gives you late shifts like nursing. A lack of sleep makes everything
seem harder from concentrating to staying awake, and over time, it can take a hefty toll.
However, here are some ways you can have a healthy sleep schedule despite the late hours.
The Importance of Sleep
The healthiest thing you can do for yourself is to get enough sleep. Adequate sleep is an
important part of good self-care, and not getting enough can lead to many problems, physically,
mentally, and emotionally. Stress, especially work-related stress, can have devastating
consequences. Sleep can help us to process this stress healthily. Not only does proper sleep
improve our energy levels, it can boost mental acuity and your mood. Lack of sleep can
with how we feel and cause us to lash out or simply not be able to function. Sleep, especially
combined with self-care practices like eating well, can help those who suffer from depression,
anxiety and even addiction. Taking the time you need each and every day to rest up and take
care of your well-being can be instrumental in leading a healthy and happy life.
Reset Your Circadian Rhythm
Humans are diurnal animals. We sleep at night and are awake during the day. It’s our
cycle. Working nights make sleeping difficult. Even when we do manage to sleep enough, we
may still have trouble concentrating. That’s why it’s important to be able to reset your circadian
rhythm to accommodate your schedule. In a way, you need to trick your body into thinking day
is night and night is day. When you go to bed, you need to ensure your bedroom is as dark as
Light can prevent your pineal gland from secreting melatonin, which is what you need
to feel sleepy. Use blackout curtains, not just thermals, to block out all light and ensure you get
good rest.
Keep a Healthy Schedule
Keeping a healthy schedule when you work a shift can seem like an impossible dream. Yet,
there are ways you can help yourself to stick to a routine that promotes wellness, even on the
days you work. One way you can boost your energy is to
exercise before you head into work.
Royal Massage & Yoga Lounge has early-morning yoga classes taught by expert instructors to
energize you for the day ahead. This allows you to start your day with healthy daylight, and give
your body the energy it needs to get through the night. Plus, when you’re finally off, you may
sleep better than you would otherwise. You truly need to make yourself a priority.
Be careful with your
caffeine intake as well. It’s the easy solution to grab a cup of coffee every
time you feel tired when working, but this can have a detrimental effect on your body, and your
sleep, later on. Instead, find other ways to stay focused during work, so your sleep schedule
isn’t interrupted with excessive caffeine. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have some, but do
limit it to small doses.
Vitamins and Minerals That Promote Good Sleep
Did you know that certain minerals and vitamins can boost sleep quality? If you’re not getting
enough iron, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin B and E, you’re missing out on supplements that
can help you sleep. One way to add these nutrients to your diet is to take a multivitamin each
day. These vitamins also can increase your energy, which is essential when you’re working long
Disrupted Sleep
If we have trouble sleeping, it can be tempting to try and get extra sleep when we have a day off
to “make up for it.” Shift work creates sleep schedules that are difficult enough to maintain.
Throwing it off by sleeping in can
ruin the work you’ve done to stabilize yourself. That may mean
staying up late on your days off when all you want to do is sleep. Instead, eat something small
to give you some oomph, or do a quick workout to raise your energy levels. This way, when you
go back to work, you can sleep well beforehand and not find yourself trying to adjust your sleep
schedule multiple times a week.
Reconsider Your Options
If you’re looking to your future, realizing you can’t sustain a life of night shifts, you may be
compelled to go back to school, which can open new doors for you. Many choose to get their
master’s or even their doctorate degrees as a way to
boost their careers, salaries and shift
options. With online degree programs, returning to school can easily dovetail with your shift
work, and you can complete your program on your own schedule. It’s definitely something to
consider if you hope to leave night shifts behind in the coming years.
Shift work can make it tough to switch your entire schedule to something our internal clocks
don’t naturally do. However, by sticking to your schedule, taking time to sleep and engaging in
stress-reducing self-care, you may have a more successful time than you would otherwise. And
if it becomes impossible, you can always make a change.
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